We buy stocklots only from the EU markets. So that we can be sure that the goods are original and in good quality. We work closely with the biggest European internet platforms to get the best goods, the best pallets, the best quality for You.

You can choose between:

1. Originally packed pallets. Directly from internet platforms. We do not open, or repack the pallets; you can be sure, that you get it in a perfect condition.

Most of those goods are customer returns in qualities B or C:

  • B – customer returns with almost no defects (shoes, clothing, accessories)
  • C – customer returns with some defects (shoes, clothing, accessories)
  • SH – Second – Hand  – stocks of used shoes; just get them the “second-chance” & “second-life (shoes, clothing)

2. Or smaller lots, usually a few cartons. Those we prepare carefully in our warehouse for you. We offer in this way goods in quality:

  • A – new; overruns, overproductions, suprplus goods; by clothing, shoes, accessories, underwear, lingerie
  • B – customer returns with almost no defects; by accessories

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